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composer and sound designer


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  • award winning composer and sound designer

    Erik Hedin is a composed and sound designer. He has made works for theatre, dance, exhibitions and film.

    He have been working with over 100 productions in the last 15 years primary in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

  • Working on exiting events

    The performance "Romeo og Julie" are performing i Bergen, Norway during year 2023. The audience can enjoy live video transfear of the actors outside and inside the theatre.


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  1. Music for theatre 1 Bergen City Theatre : Romen og Julie
  2. Music for theatre 2 Det Norske Teatret : Kristin Lavransdotter
  3. Music for theatre 3 Bergen City Theatre : Arv og miljø
  4. Music for film The Motion Picture HAN, Norway 2020.
  5. Choral music Nationaltheatret : Styrtet engel
  6. Symphonic orchestra Recomposition of music by Edvard Grieg.

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